Fairwell IMD
Yesterday was my last day at ImageMovers Digital. I will definitely miss my fellow teammates and hope to work with you guys again. I don’t regret at all my decision to work at the studio. I really hope Mars Needs Mom makes it to the outside and look forward to seeing the final film once it’s done.
So now that I have a few weeks off before I start at Sony, I’m getting packed up and ready to make my trip to my new place in Los Angeles! The excitement is starting to build but at the moment I’m still processing everything that is changing and taking a day at a time on what I need to get done.
Also to mention I still am working PyMoBu and I know I said this before, but I hit a few snags in some bigger issues so I had to rework some things. The good news is I’ve been adding a lot more things and I am pretty close to releasing it for testing and feedback. I want to include as much as I can so it gains the most attention possible. The only things that are left are generating some documentation (yuck) and a few other tools that I have to complete.
I started a Google code project that I am beginning to update and check in my source code. So if you are a little savvy, you can sync to it via svn and get a sneak peak. However somethings at the moment are broken that I fixed but haven’t checked in the changes.
More news will come soon about the progress, but that is all I have for now. Cheers!