Just another update
Its been a little while since I have posted so I need to keep some kind of activity going on this site. So how about some news? Good!
Well, I had a great response for the free Maya plugin I wrote and I hope everyone is finding it useful. Feedback and comments are always welcome. I have been busy at Sony working on Smurfs and my part in that project is almost done. So in my free time I been working on completely restarting an old character I made back in college. I wanted to make my own character rig that I can apply all the things I learned so far in the industry and be completely in control of the process. So I’m completely remodeling him (my modeling skills in college were horrible) and build a very high resolution rig. At this point I don’t have any plans to release him to the public. But first thing is first, I have to finish him. This also allows me to build up my tools at home which I will gladly share if they are handy for the general 3D artists out there.
Just a little bit ago I bought my first real camera, a Canon Digital Rebel T2i. I love his camera and I’m really starting to enjoy taking pictures and finding something new to learn and explore. Sometime I may migrate some of the photos to this site if I can find a place to post them. But for now I’m learning and exploring how to take hopefully decent photographs.
In other news, my buddy Josh Burton is getting close to finishing his free character rig, Morpheus. You can download a public beta from his site and get more details on the rig itself there. Looking very good for all you hungry animators out there!
That is mostly it. So have a Smurfy day!