My good friend, Josh Burton, has been working hard on making a character rig that he will make publicly available in the near future. I think what he is trying to do will give animators out there a new, fully customizable, and very entertaining character to use. His named is Morphy, for his many...
Wow! I can’t believe I finally got to this stage. Almost a little nervous because I feel like something is missing. But I am excited to announce that PyMoBu version 0.1 is released and available to download on the PyMoBu Google code project page: There are some areas that haven’t been 100% tested...
Yesterday was my last day at ImageMovers Digital. I will definitely miss my fellow teammates and hope to work with you guys again. I don’t regret at all my decision to work at the studio. I really hope Mars Needs Mom makes it to the outside and look forward to seeing the final film...
As stated in some of my previous posts, I’m a big fan of PyMEL and after working with it for over a year I am very excited to see it finally releasing the first full version. It has gained such popularity with the CG community that it is being shipped with Maya 2011. If...
I’m excited to announce that I accepted a position at Sony Imageworks in Los Angeles. I was told by a friend that Los Angeles is like gravity to our industry, you just get pulled toward it. So when I finish my remaining time at IMD, will be packing up and making the move. I...